Showing posts with label LinuxMint. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LinuxMint. Show all posts

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Erste Eindruecke vom Linux Mint 21 beta MATE auf dem Legion 5

 MITTLERWEILE ist die VOLLE version LINUX MINT 21 erschienen

Linux Mint hat Ihre BETA for 2022 veroeffentlicht, auch Linux Mint 21 genannt.Es basiert auf Ubuntu 22.04, welche im Fruehjahr herauskam. In diesem Post werde ich mir diese "Ausgabe" genauer ansehen und untersuchen wie die Beta mit dem Lenovo Legion 5 zurechtkommt.

Spoiler:    Grundsatzlich recht gut! Rest bitte weiter unten lesen :-)


Details in English here.





- Boot/Start klappt
- Keine Option die SWAP partition in standard menu abzuwaehlen  (workaround im fstab via # auskommentieren)
- Letzter Schritt vor Installation nicht logisch
(weil es kommt noch Auswahlmenu wohin installiert werden soll, allerdings ueberschreibt der Installer etwaige vorhanden Grub Eintraege)

- BT klappt (Mouse found & connected)
- LAN klappt
- DARK Mode klappt
- Welcome Screen did not pop up
- Font Groesse (10) zu klein fuer mein Befinden
- Helligkeit klappt

Installation klappt, Reboot klappt & System ist fuer weitere Aenderungen bzw. Anpassungen bereit.


- OLD mount problem of secondary Linux Mint install still exists (no access, mount crashes), Access to Ubuntu MATE, Manjaro and ARCH work fine.

- OLD ZOMBIE process from Mint menu (Search Internet option) persists
- Direct bitlocker access works, B U T  cannot handle autologin for more than 2 different passwords - lol (requires manual login)

- FIREFOX sollte durch LIBREWOLF ersetzt werden (Librewolf hat bessere Privatspaerengrundeinstellungen)  ODERR zumindest als Option waehrend des Installationsprozesses angeboten werden

- BOOT space problem solved?? Lack of space after installation of more than 3 Kernels (requires manual deinstallation) --- WHY not increase BOOT partition to 2GB???

nvidia 5.15 driver - works
extreme-cooling.deb - works
updates - works
restart - works

USB Filetransfer 

... haengt sich quasi auf, heisst das ganze System kommt wie zu einem Stillstand - dieses seit 20xx bestehende Problem nachwievor NICHT von Haus aus geloest !!! Es gibt diesen "Workaround" der auf dem System scheinbar etwas hilft. Perfect aber leider nicht. Man muss die Komandozeile dafuer etwas nutzen.

Open a terminal and use xed text editor with root permission, type:
sudo xed /etc/sysctl.d/*99-sysctl.conf

Introduce your password
Scroll to the end of the file and paste :

at the and of it, press ctrl-S to save and then ctrl-X to quit xed
Check with sudo sysctl -p in terminal and do a sudo update-grub 


vm.dirty_background_ratio = 5
vm.dirty_ratio = 10

In terminal check with sudo sysctl -a | grep dirty


sudo vm.dirty_background_ratio = 3
sudo xed  /etc/sysctl.conf


TIPP: Buy me a coffee -

Bitcoin:   bc1qrzcnwlppfx3j3m7665n2347qm9sfpk68x2xt6j

Litecoin: ltc1q3yz99ev9aqysha2hq6j254kq8gnlaghrg5z2hm

First impression of LINUX MINT 21 beta MATE - on Lenovo Legion 5 AMD 5600H

 The full version of Linux Mint 21 has been published !!!


Linux Mint has published their BETA for 2022. It' s based on Ubuntu's 22.04 release earlier this year. Here I'll have a first look on Mint's MATE edition and how it fares on a LENOVO LEGION 5 box. Overall it seems to work fairly fine. More details below.


Boot/Start worked
NO Option to NOT install SWAP partition in standard menu (workaround later in fstab not to boot via #)
Last step before install NOT logical
(after hitting "Install NOW" shows option on which disk to install, BUT NO such option for boot loader, overwrites grub from other mint install)

BT works (Mouse found & connected)
LAN worked
DARK Mode worked
Welcome Screen did not pop up
Font size (10) too small
Brightness worked

Installation completed, Reboot worked & System ready for further adjustments


- OLD mount problem of secondary Linux Mint install still exists (no access, mount crashes), Access to Ubuntu MATE, Manjarao and ARCH work fine.

- OLD ZOMBIE process from Mint menu (Search Internet option) persists
- Direct bitlocker access works, B U T  cannot handle autologin for more than 2 different passwords - lol (requires manual login)

- FIREFOX should be REPLACED by LIBREWOLF (has better default PRIVACY settings)  OR at least as an option durind installation.

- BOOT space problem solved?? Lack of space after installation of more than 3 Kernels (requires manual deinstallation) --- WHY not increase BOOT partition to 2GB???

nvidia 5.15 driver - works
extreme-cooling.deb - works
updates - works
restart - works

USB Filetransfer 

... gets stuck (hangs up) - NOT solved !!!This workaround may helped a little on my Mint system Open a terminal and use xed text editor with root permission, type:
sudo nano /etc/sysctl.d/*99-sysctl.conf
Introduce your password
Scroll to the end of the file and paste :

at the and of it, press ctrl-S to save and then ctrl-X to quit xed
Check with sudo sysctl -p in terminal and do a sudo update-grub 


vm.dirty_background_ratio = 5
vm.dirty_ratio = 10

In terminal check with sudo sysctl -a | grep dirty


sudo vm.dirty_background_ratio = 3
sudo xed  /etc/sysctl.conf


TIPP: Buy me a coffee -

Bitcoin:   bc1qrzcnwlppfx3j3m7665n2347qm9sfpk68x2xt6j

Litecoin: ltc1q3yz99ev9aqysha2hq6j254kq8gnlaghrg5z2hm